Basement Slab Replacement
Is your basement slab cracked and heaving?AAA SOLID FOUNDATIONS
Basement Slab Replacement
If you notice cracks in your cement floors, don’t panic.
Small or hairline cracks are common in cement. It doesn’t necessarily mean there are issues.
But you should document them. Take a photo of the floor and date the photo. You can also measure the length of the crack. If the crack is slightly wider than a hairline crack, then you can document the width as well.
Regina has some of the most difficult soil and weather conditions in the country.
Deep frosts coupled with extremely heavy gumbo soil is, and certainly can be a recipe for disaster. Canadian and regional codes are now followed when new concrete basements are installed.
Correct placement of rebar, thickness and size of footings as well as proper drainage and elevations are absolute. Very few existing concrete foundations; more specifically in the 40-50-year-old range are even close to this standard.
Many will have to be brought up to certain standards otherwise occupancy may be in question.

Cracks in concrete can cause numerous problems with a home. Not only are they unpleasant to the eye they can have significant negative structural implications.
Cracks in your home’s slab can also be a great entry point for water intrusion and insects. We have even seen large cracks that have allowed rodents to enter and exit the home!
Cracks are usually caused by a source or an underlying factor. These factors can be from your exterior foundation moving up or down or even sideways if you are on a slope.
The reason that a crack occurs in a certain spot is that it is acting like a hinge point for the movement. That area where the crack is is more than likely the area that is experiencing the most stress. Just like when an earthquake occurs you have fissures in the ground to relieve the stress. This can be said the same for a crack in your slab. If you are experiencing foundation movement, you will be able to follow the crack to the exterior of the home where there, more than likely, is a crack in the exterior foundation.
Replacing the basement slab/floor of your home is no easy task.
The basement floor of your home helps with the overall structural integrity of your home. Removing it and just replacing it with a new, smooth concrete floor will cause issues later on.
A new basement floor should be tied into the footings and the outside walls. It should be poured to engineered specifications and include proper support and rebar.
If you still have questions about any of our services, please feel free to ASK AN EXPERT or review our FAQ section.
If your home signs of water seepage, uneven floors, cracks in walls or basement floor, gaps between floors and walls or shrinking soil around the foundation.